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Thursday - Sunday

Noon - 5pm

Please see the gallery’s Facebook page, Twitter and Instagram accounts for up-to-date scheduling information.


City in Bloom

Kathleen Flanagan

Exhibition: August 2 - 28, 2022
Opening : Thursday, Aug. 4, 6-8pm

Artist talk: Sunday, Aug. 21, 2pm

City in Bloom shows the everyday beauty of untended flowers and shrubs set against a backdrop of urban structures.  The natural scenery intertwines with the constructed landscape, creating a kaleidoscope of colours, textures, and shapes.  The unexpected result is an inner-city, rough-around-the-edges Garden of Eden.



IPC Winner


ViewPoint Gallery and Lot Six Bar and Restaurant are collaborating to display work by ViewPoint artists beginning in August. Be sure to stop by Lot Six at 1685 Argyle Street in Halifax for a fine dining and fine art experience.


The Annual New Member's Show

Exhibition: September 1 - October 2, 2022
Opening: Thursday, September 1, 6-8pm
Artist talk: Sunday, September 16, 2pm


Every year ViewPoint Gallery welcomes new exhibiting members with an exhibition that showcases their work. This year ViewPoint is excited and pleased to welcome Bernie Ewing, Jane Oram, Ron Pitts and James Rapaport.


Saturday, September 3, 2022

10am to Noon

Print reviews are open to the public! Bring your prints (any size, framed or not) for a review led by a Gallery Member. If you've ever wondered what others think of your work but were too shy to ask or always received the dreaded "It's nice" response, this is your opportunity. We hope to see you there!

While masking is no longer required, all participants are encouraged to wear masks during the print review, for the safety of all participating.

Third Thursday Series

2022 International Photography Competition Submissions Slide show

Thursday, September 15, 2022

7pm on ZOOM

Since 2013, ViewPoint Gallery has held a competition open to photographers located in any country around the world, with no restrictions on subject matter. The images submitted to the 2022 Competition will be displayed in a slide show, providing insight in the the length and breadth of the photography submitted to the gallery.


Black & White

A Members' Group Exhibition

Exhibition: October 6 - 30, 2022
Opening: Thursday, October 6, 6-8pm
Artist talk: Sunday, October 16, 2pm


As Nova Scotia moves from Summer to Fall, a group of gallery members present an exploration of the tradition of black and white photography, which stretches back to the origins of the medium in 1827.

ViewPoint Gallery International Photography Competition August 2022

Since 2013, ViewPoint Gallery has held a competition open to photographers located in any country around the world, with no restrictions on subject matter. The images are reviewed by an independent jury, and the winning 12 photographs are displayed through the year at ViewPoint Gallery.



Swen Bernitz (Germany)

Artist Statement

The Tetrahedron, designed by the architect Wolfgang Christ, consists of a steel framework in the form of a walk-in pyramid and a tetrahedron, a body with four triangular surfaces. The artwork stands on a former mining dump in Bottrop, Germany. The image is part of the series Landmarks. Landmarks is a conceptual documentation of architectural art objects on former mining dumps in the Ruhr area of Germany. As the coal was extracted from underground, inevitably the surrounding rock was also mined. This waste rock was largely unsaleable and so most of it was dumped, creating artificial hills in an otherwise flat landscape. There are more than 250 spoil heaps in the Ruhr area. Through a process of rewilding, and the erection of a number of art installations, some of these piles of slag and rubble have become unlikely tourist attractions.


Born in 1970 in Berlin Friedrichshain. Self-taught, member of the BVBK Brandenburg Association of Visual Artists. Since 2008, conceptual long-term projects and series in documentary style on the themes of the built environment and urban cityscapes.


Since 2018 participation in competitions and exhibitions. Recognition in numerous international competitions, including Highly Recommended at European Architecture Photography Prize 2019, Winner Architecture Annual Photography Awards 2019, Shortlist Felix Schoeller Photo Award 2019, Shortlist Architecture Sony World Photography Awards 2020 and Winner Architecture/Industrial Budapest International Foto Awards (BIFA) 2021. Participation in more than 50 exhibitions in 10 countries.

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A Member's Exhibition

Exhibition: November 3 - 27, 2022
Opening: Thursday, November 3, 6-8pm
Artist talk: Sunday, November 13, 2pm


From 2004 beginnings to the present, from the Rockies to the Maritimes, from the minute to the magnificent, whether on land, water, or in the air, Ron’s wildlife will take you from awww to awe.  Experience Ron’s first solo exhibition in Nova Scotia.  Come and enjoy.

ViewPoint Gallery

1475 Bedford Highway Unit 109

Bedford, NS

B4A 3Z5


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Thursday - Sunday

Noon - 5pm


Copyright 2000-2024 ViewPoint Gallery

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