ViewPoint Gallery is an artist-run gallery inspiring, engaging, educating, and promoting the art of photography.
Photographers interested in joining ViewPoint Gallery may submit a portfolio for consideration year round.
2025 marks ViewPoint Gallery’s 25th Anniversary. As part of our celebration we are offering a 50% rate reduction on a first year Prime Membership for photographers who submit their application by March 1, 2025.

Great street-level exhibition space
Audience for your work
Opportunity to mount month-long shows in Feature Gallery
No commissions on sales
VISA/AMEX service
Artist page on website
Collegial atmosphere with experienced artists sharing common interests (non- competitive atmosphere)
Voting privileges
Established gallery (opened July 2000)
Confers ‘professional’ status for wholesale purchasing
Monthly artist talks
Use of 24” Canon Pro-2100 printer (printing fees apply)
Use of PC desktop and laptop
Use of the gallery space to hold workshops/classes (rental fees apply)
You are an emerging or a practicing photographer demonstrating technical skill and proficiency in production and presentation of images in one or more photography- based media.
You must demonstrate an ability to present a body of work that conveys/expresses a coherent point of view or artistic sentiment.
An interest and ability to actively participate in the spirit and operation of the co- operative is an essential component of being a gallery member.
There are four juried membership categories for ViewPoint Gallery (click here for a full description of the requirements and fees for each category)
Exhibiting Member - Prime
may exhibit up to 2 pieces of new work on a monthly basis in Members’ Gallery B.
may exhibit up to 2-3 pieces in ALL Members exhibits.
may exhibit in the All-Members December Holiday Mini Show and Sale
may participate on Feature Member wall.
may submit proposals for solo shows in Gallery A.
may have unframed prints for sale, in addition to cards, may also have print portfolios available for viewing in the Gallery.
may vote at the AGM, sit on the Board, and participate on Committees.
may access Gallery’s wide format printer
Exhibiting Member - Basic
may exhibit up to a maximum 4 (four) months /year (up to 2 pieces of new work if in Members’ Gallery B or up to 2-3 pieces if in All Member exhibits)
may exhibit in the All Members December Holiday Mini Show and Sale in addition to the 4 months/year listed above
may have unframed prints for sale, in addition to cards, may also have print portfolios available for viewing in the Gallery.
may vote at the AGM, sit on the Board, and participate on Committees.
may access Gallery’s wide format printer
Student member
while a student, may have same benefits as Basic Exhibiting Member
for the first year after graduation, may remain as a Basic Exhibiting Member at $30/month or become a Prime Exhibiting Member at the reduced rate of $75/month
may go to full fee rates in subsequent years
may access Gallery’s wide format printer
Print Associate
may access Gallery’s wide format printer during regular gallery hours
Please click here for a full description of the membership fees and responsibilities for each category.
Applications to become a member of the ViewPoint Gallery must include:
Artist statement describing your practice, specialized areas of interest and/or a particular body of work.
Resume that includes background, training and exhibition/gallery experience (if any).
Examples of work: 10 - 20 images; exhibition quality prints (unframed).
Contact information (mail, email, telephone, etc).
Self-addressed stamped envelope for return of smaller submission packages, otherwise portfolios may be picked up in person during gallery hours.
Indicate your career status: emerging, mid-career, or established.
Please note:
All prospective members must be willing to become an active participant in the co-operative framework and to commit to membership for one full year
Submissions may be left at ViewPoint Gallery, 109 -1475 Bedford Highway, Bedford. Gallery hours are Thursday - Sunday 12 noon - 5pm.
Submissions should indicate: New Member Submission
Portfolios will be reviewed within 2 – 3 weeks and responses will be in writing. Please note that written responses will not be critiques of submitted work.
Inquiries: Viewpoint Gallery (902) 420-0854