ViewPoint Gallery International Photography Competition February 2025 winner

Artist Statement
My work explores concepts of reality and perception through photography. In my self portraiture, photography is both the medium and the subject. By facing the camera with itself, I am investigating photography’s ability to suspend time, and serve as a reminder of time’s impermanence. I am interested in the paradox that is the photographic process, existing as both a fixed and transitory way of seeing.
My work also questions photography as a truth-capturing tool. By distorting or multiplying my figure, I create an illusion that disrupts the viewer’s perception of reality. This image was made using a stacked, broken mirror to confuse the eye. The piece was created strictly in-camera, employing the physics of photography to alter the output.
“reflejos en el tiempo
y el espacio”
Camila Flores Sánchez
The ViewPoint Gallery holds an annual jury-reviewed photography competition with one winning print displayed in our gallery each month.
For February 2025, we are featuring a photograph by Camila Flores Sánchez.
Camila Flores Sánchez is a Chicana artist raised in Dallas, TX and is currently pursuing a BA in Studio Arts and Technology at Purdue University. More of her work can be found @camilafloresanchez on Instagram or by visiting online.